so tasty there’ll be trouble

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Wall’s, the biggest name in sausages, had lost its creative bite. No campaign had done it justice since the days of a dog saying ‘sausages’. So we decided to revive the Wall’s dog in the form of Grizzler. Inspired by the man vs beast scene in Something About Mary, Grizzler was intent on fighting Dad for gorgeous Wall’s sausages every time. Classic physical comedy and mad cap capers won the attention of the mass public, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, Campaign magazine…and Ofcom….


‘This ad isn't just brilliantly violent and funny;
it's nothing less than a stunningly poignant political statement.’ 

Sam Delaney, The Guardian


‘You know you’ve got a great ad when you
start getting complained about.’

Robert Campbell, Exec Creative Director, McCann London


Our strategy to disrupt worked. We got everyone talking and sales increased by 76% during the campaign. Press ads supported the TV activity and a cute website where you could win your own Grizzler toy dog softened the controversy. Ofcom cleared us of any wrongdoing and the campaign set the tone for a new wave of Wall’s Sausages creative.


For more targeted tactical promotions, we brought mass appeal humour to our press ads.


We also supported the Wall’s Balls brand beyond the Grizzler campaign, with a TV campaign designed to surprise and delight kids.