your dog, your way

Design: The Collaborators


Our client was serious about making the world’s first hotdog meal kit a huge success, but we knew we had to have some fun with it. After a strategic workshop, it was clear this was going to be a very characterful brand, striking fear into the hearts of fajita kits everywhere.


But this wasn’t just about the meal kits. It was very much about the additional toppings in the range that you could also purchase. With the number of extras you could add and the endless combinations, your choice would be unlimited. Hence Bunlimited was born. 

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I came up with the name and developed the story for the positioning ‘your dog, your way’, where hotdog night becomes a full-on furter fest for every member of the family. This product needed a new vocabulary right from the start, so I built up a bank of linguistic titbits for the design team to play with and later evolved this into a full tone of voice guide. 


The creative idea had so many legs, it was easy to make it work on pack, as ads, as a roadshow, a website, even as a computer game. Through social media we created awareness, then engagement and then action, with fun recipes videos, branded content and sales-oriented marketing. A heady mix of frivolity, ideas and tactical offers. All crafted within the eye-popping design. Speaking of the design, I even appear on one of the packs – can you spot me?

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